Presented at the CAPE-OPEN 2014 Annual Meeting on September 10, 2014 in Mörfelden, Germany.
In order to interoperate with other process simulator components, a recent implementation of the Thermodynamic and Unit Operation interface specifications has been incorporated into the upcoming 4.0 version of ProMax® simulation software. This implementation supports version 1.0 and 1.1 of the CAPE-OPEN standard and extends the ability of ProMax to consume foreign CAPE-OPEN compliant components in the form of unit operations, and provides users with a seamless mechanism to host ProMax® powerful thermodynamics in their environment of choice for process simulation. Additionally, two CAPE-OPEN compliant Unit Operations: a specialized process reactor and an oil speciation utility, have been developed and can be used in external environments. In the present work, Industrial case studies are presented to illustrate the interoperability of the ProMax® Process Modeling Environment (PME) with Process Modeling Component (PMC) unit operations from various other vendors. We will also showcase studies with the ProMax® thermodynamic models and specialized Unit operations interoperating with COCO simulation environment.