Cover page of Education For Chemical EngineersAuthors: Moisés Teles Dos SANTOS, Ardson S. VIANNA Jr., Galo A.C. LE ROUX

Affiliation: Department of Chemical Engineering, University of São Paulo, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 380, 05508-900, São Paulo, Brazil

Reference (APA): Teles dos Santos, M., Vianna, A. S., & Le Roux, G. A. C. (2018). Programming skills in the industry 4.0: are chemical engineering students able to face new problems? Education for Chemical Engineers, 22, 69–76.

Abstract: “A reflection on teaching programming at undergraduate level using advanced tools is presented. Advanced digital tools and computational evolution have shaped different areas, such as industrial process, communications, education and innovation. New technologies, such as the Internet of Things-IoT, cloud computing and artificial intelligence, have boosted software development and computational skills in different areas. The chemical engineering knowledge acquired by senior students and programming skills can be integrated to develop computational tools, favoring chemical engineers to take advantage of new opportunities in digital area. Normally, programming courses are offered at the beginning of chemical engineering program, with examples not related to chemical engineering problems. To fill this gap, an elective discipline was created for final year undergraduate students in the Department of Chemical Engineering at University of São Paulo (Brazil)…”

Comments: the authors mention that introductory aspects of CAPE-OPEN were covered within the course described but there was no time for any practical implementation. However the course referred to the intensive use of UML within the CAPE-OPEN standard documentation and this showed to the undergraduate students that chemical engineering can make effectively use of UML.The students also used EMSO, approximately for 10% of the course, and while they did not made use either there of the CAPE-OPEN aspects in EMSO, the authors are mentioning that EMSO complies with CAPE-OPEN.

CAPE-OPEN relevant papers cited in text:

Barrett Jr., W.M., Yang, J., 2005. Development of a chemical process modeling environment based on CAPE-OPEN interface standards and the Microsoft.NET framework. Comput. Chem. Eng. 30, 191–201.