¹Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Department, Institut Français du Pétrole, 92500, Rueil-Malmaison, France
²Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London SW7 2BY, United Kingdom
³Aspen Technology, Inc., 10 Canal Park, Cambridge, MA U.S.A. 02141
AEA Technology Engineering Software-Hyprotech, Pg. de Gràcia 56, 08007 Barcelona, Spain
Reference: Chemical Engineering Progress 96, pp. 65-76, September 2000. ISSN 0360-7275.
Abstract: “Open software architectures are the way forward for the next generation of CAPE tools. They allow previously incompatible environments to interoperate through commonly agreed interface standards. They support life-cycle modeling and collaborative engineering across places and organizations. In this paper, we present two major initiatives in open software architecture for CAPE: the EU-sponsored project CAPE-OPEN, its follow-up Global CAPE-OPEN. We also mention their links with other initiatives such as pdXi, STEP and OPC. We look at the benefits gained using such architectures, and at possible future directions for research and development in this area, with respect to European Commission’s Fifth Framework Program covering years 1999-2002 and to the Vision 2020 documents.”