Affiliation: Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik and E.ON Ruhrgas AG, Essen
Reference: gwf – Gas|Erdgas – Special 1 2010, artikel 05398_2010_SP1_09, 30.04.2010
Abstract: “As simulations are important for the optimization and the operation of a process a highly accurate representation of thermodynamic properties is needed. To assure that these demands are met an appropriate property model must be used. The GERG-2004 XT08 [1] is the new reference equation of state for natural gases, which describes the whole fluid phase. In order to model LNG processes with the highest accuracy possible the new equation is implemented into several simulation tools. Researches on the influence of property models on the simulation of LNG transport and vaporization processes show the expected advantages in accuracy with the GERG-2004 XT08 [1] in comparison with typical engineering equations of state.”
Comments: the authors mention that the the software available for GERG- 2004 XT08 equation of state has been adapted to the CAPE-OPEN standard in order to embed it in various simulation tools. The authors present two examples in which being able to use the GERG-2004 XT08 thermodynamic model in a process simulator helps representing better industrial processes.
CAPE-OPEN related paper cited in text:
- Breil, M. P., Kontogeorgis G. M., von Solms N. and Stenby E. H. (2007), CAPE-OPEN: An international Standard for Process Simulation, Chem. Eng., vol. 114 (13), pp. 52–55.