Affiliations: ¹International Centre for Science and High Technology, ICS-UNIDO, Trieste, Italy and ²Molecular Simulation Engineering Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
Reference: Fermeglia M., Longo G,. Toma L., Development of a Process Sustainable Prediction (PSP) framework, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 11, 2007, pp. 761-766, Ed. Sauro Pierucci, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l., ISBN 88-95608-00-6.
Abstract: “This work describes a general framework for the prediction of industrial sustainability integrated with process simulators. Even if sustainability is a complex concept, it can be estimated using some indicators or metrics.
Two kinds of sustainability indicators are used in the present work: (i) threedimensional indicators (3D-indicators) and (ii) one-dimensional indicators (1D-indicators). The methodology proposed by Martins, containing 3D-indicators, is used in this framework as a first evaluation of the global sustainability of the process under study. The methodology takes into account the material intensity, the energy intensity, the potential chemical risk and the potential chemical impact. The 3D-indicators are calculated using the results obtained from process simulation coupled with the database included in the framework.
Sometimes, this information is not sufficient for deciding the best solution, in terms of sustainability, from different alternative design. In this case one may resort to the evaluation of 2D-indicators and 1D-indicators. One relevant 1D indicator is the Waste Reduction Algorithm (WAR). In PSP the algorithm is implemented in a CAPE OPEN standard methodology which is able to interact with most process simulators software available on the market.
The paper describes the development of the Weighting Factors Interface, the development of CAPE OPEN Modules and the development of the Potential Environmental Indexes Interface, which are the most important elements of the implementation of the WAR.
PSP is made up by the CO interfaced to process simulators, a relational database containing toxicological and risk information and a set of software modules. The framework was tested using two process simulators: PRO/II and Aspen Plus. Representative examples of applicability of PSP are presented in order to validate the framework.”
DOI: none
Comments: the authors developed two CAPE-OPEN Unit Operations. One is implementing the WAR algorithm and the other is incorporating the energy generation process connected to the chemical process. Both were developed using a Wizard provided by CO-LaN. This Wizard enables the quick development of a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation written in Visual Basic 6.