Affiliation: International Hellenic University, School of Science and Technology, Thermi, Greece
Reference: International Journal of Sustainable Energy, vol. 37 (2018), issue 1, pp. 96-104
Abstract: “Uncontrolled waste disposal and unsustainable waste management not only damage the environment but also affect human health. In most urban areas municipal solid waste production is constantly increasing following the everlasting increase of energy consumption. Technologies aiming to exploit wastes in order to recover energy, decrease the depletion rate of fossil fuels, and reduce waste disposal. In this paper, the annual amount of municipal solid waste disposed in the Greater Metropolitan Area of Thessaloniki is taken into consideration, in order to size and model a Combined Heat and Power facility for energy recovery. From the various Waste-to-Energy technologies available, a Fluidized Bed Combustion Boiler Combined Heat and Power Plant was selected and modelled through the use of the COCO, a CAPE-OPEN simulation software in order to estimate the amount of electrical and thermal energy that could be generated for different boiler pressures…”
DOI: 10.1080/14786451.2016.1177053
CAPE-OPEN related papers cited in text:
W. M. BARRETT Jr, J. van BATEN (2012), Evaluating Process Sustainability Using Flowsheet Monitoring, Chemical Engineering & Technology, vol. 35, issue 8, pp. 1405-1411.