Affiliation: CERE, Technical Univeristy of Denmark
Reference: P. Breil, Martin & M. Kontogeorgis, Georgios & von Solms, Nicolas & H. Stenby, Erling. (2007). CAPE-OPEN: An international standard for process simulation. Chemical Engineering – New York- McGraw Hill Incorporated then Chemical Week Publishing LLC-. 114. 52-55.
Abstract: “Computer Aided Process Engineering-Open (CAPE-OPEN) is increasingly being used by users for effective process simulation. CAPE-Open enables users to develop and use their own thermodynamic models. The industrial consortium, which supports the CAPE-Open development, consists of BP, Maersk Oil and Gas, Denmark, Statoil, Norway and TOTAL, France. The petrochemical industry is applying CAPE-OPEN for simulating unit operations with thermodynamic models. CAPE-OPEN operations include a written unit and the thermodynamic models of the process simulator. It allows the construction of unit operation, while keeping the thermodynamic model selection open for the end user.”
Comments: This paper gives a presentation of the CAPE-OPEN standard and of the advantages that can be expected from its use.