The CAPE-OPEN Logging and Testing tool (COLTT) works with CAPE-OPEN Process Modeling Components (PMCs) and a CAPE-OPEN Process Modeling Environment (PME). COLTT’s role is to capture and record information about the interaction between a PME and a PMC (or a combination of PMCs) in a form that makes it easy to detect problems or potential problems.  Applying the tool does not change the interaction between a PME and PMC(s).

The tool generates a trace of the sequence of calls made between a PME and PMCs, showing arguments, results and error codes. The tool permits browsing through the trace.

The tool provides the user with the ability to control which combination of components is logged and where the information is logged.

COLTT has not required any changes to the standards, nor does it require any changes to implemented code. However, to be most effective, COLTT requires that vendors implement the naming parts of the standard: components need to be named using names that the user will recognize from the case in which the component is being used, so that it is possible to identify which component is generating the individual method calls and test results in a log file. The fulfillment of this requirement is an on-going process since the requirement lays outside the CAPE-OPEN specifications.

Release history (latest version available for download here)

A first production version, COLTT 1.0, was made available to the CO-LaN community by the time of the 4th CAPE-OPEN European Conference on 8th March 2007. Incremental versions have been released since then, when additional interfaces have been logged or when bugs have been resolved (details on the releases to be found in Appendix 1).  Priority has been first to fix defects preventing usage of COLTT then to support the logging of additional interfaces (for example Thermo 1.1) before restructuring the code in order to facilitate its maintenance. Ease of use is now taking precedence, for example with the introduction of the Viewer application. Periods of time in between releases have increased progressively showing that the bugs preventing usage have been mostly fixed.

Version numberRelease dateMain features
1.0March 8, 2007Bug fixes
1.01March 20, 2007Bug fixes
1.02April 6, 2007Bug fixes
1.03May 10, 2007Bug fixes
1.04July 12, 2007Thermo 1.1 supported
1.05November 2, 2007Log calls on proprietary interfaces
1.06February 22, 2008Automatic log file naming
1.07June 16, 2008Bug fixes
1.08November 5, 2009Refactoring and released as open source
 2.0September 16, 2011 Eliminate dependencies and release viewer
2.1August 28, 2012Improved logging on several methods
2.2July 1, 2014Improved logging on several methods
2.3October 1, 2015Upgrade to Visual Studio 2013 Community
2.3.1July 27, 2016Refer to MS VS 2013 redistributables
2.4December 23, 201632-bit and 64-bit separate versions


Users are encouraged to submit their feedback through the TRAC application on the repository hosting the COLTT project.