The CO-LaN offers different tools, documents and templates to support the development of CO compliant software:
Migration Support
A migration cookbook has been delivered by the Global CAPE-OPEN project to assist with migration of legacy software to the CAPE-OPEN standard. It addresses migration issues, strategies, methods and tools as well as experiences.
Wizards were developed by CO-LaN and other parties to help produce either CAPE-OPEN Unit Operations or Property Packages. The firstUnit Operation Wizard was implemented as a plug-in for Visual Basic 6.0 and guided a developer on the steps to be taken towards producing a CAPE-OPEN compliant software component. More…
Type Libraries and Primary Interop Assemblies
Interoperability depends on vendors using a single definition of the CAPE-OPEN interfaces during the development cycle. Interoperability also depends on this same definition of the CAPE-OPEN interfaces being installed on end-user machines. CO-LaN has developed a set of reusable installers for the CAPE-OPEN Type Libraries and associated .NET Primary Interop Assemblies (PIA). More…
CAPE-OPEN Binary Interop Architecture
A CAPE-OPEN specific middleware (COBIA) is made available to simplify and enhance interoperability performance through CAPE-OPEN. Stub code generators simplify development in various programming languages (starting with C++ on the Microsoft Windows operating system). These code generators allow a developer to create and implement custom interfaces. More…
Logging and Testing Tool
CO-LaN has developed a software tool capable to log all the interactions taking place between a CAPE-OPEN Process Modelling Component and a CAPE-OPEN Process Modelling Environment. The tool, named COLTT (for CAPE-OPEN Logging and Testing Tool), does not change the global interaction between the PMC and the PME. More…
Code examples
Source code examples are proving a good starting point for development. CO-LaN has funded the development of examples for Property Packages and Unit Operations from which a software developer may let his/her code evolve. More…
Some archives
The CAPE-OPEN Tester checks the basic conformity with CAPE-OPEN standards of a component implementing, at this stage, either the UNIT or the THRM interface sets as defined in the standards. The CAPE-OPEN Tester acts as a basic simulation environment where software components can be plugged in. It has been designed to automatically carry out a number of testing scenarios. The CAPE-OPEN Tester needs only to be downloaded (free of charge) and installed (currently, only a Windows executable is available). It comes with a help functionality explaining how to use the tool and its various features. More…
COM-CORBA Bridging
As the CAPE-OPEN standard supports two implementation models one based on COM the other based on CORBA it is desireable to have a technology allowing the user to combine components implenented using COM or CORBA. As the two standards are not compatible a software tool is needed that establishes a platform for middleware interoperability. More…