Develop hydrodynamic interface specification
Key responsibilities
- Manage the development of the hydrodynamic interface specification
- Develop prototypes to prove the applicability of the standard
- Contact organizations and companies that may be interested in hydrodynamic interfaces and propose then to join the SIG (CO-LaN membership mandatory)
No current leader
Deliverables for 2010 (as approved by Management Board on June 23, 2010)
- Didactic documentation to promote the utility of the standard
- Document describing the hydrodynamic interface specification and the main scenarios of usage for these interfaces (end of April)
- Scope of work, responsibilities and planning for the implementation of prototypes (end of April)
- Prototypes implementing the interface specification (end of 2010)
No meeting scheduled
Activity report for 2007 and early 2008 presented at the 5th CAPE-OPEN European Conference.
Status report of Hydrodynamic interface specification given at TMF 5 (2010)