Krishna Murthy stated that the charter for the UNIT Special Interest Group has not been changed. In terms of membership, it is worth mentioning that Richard SZCZEPANSKI, from KBC Advanced Technologies; a Yokogawa company, has been a very active new member, especially in the review of the Petroleum Fractions interface specification.
Then Krishna Murthy mentioned the objectives for the period with the target to submit a request for comments on the revised Petroleum Fractions inteface specification. Regarding this document, the sub-section explaining how Flowsheet Simulation should be conducted in presence of petroleum fractions was re-structured and simplfied. The section on textual requirements was re-arranged in order to let appear which are the general requirements, which are the requirements on the interactions between a Unit Operation and a PME and which are the requirements on the interactions between a Property Package and a PME.
The UNIT SIG is currently focusing oin the table gathering the list of petroleum bulk and compound properties.
Krishna Murthy asked for additional help in order to tackle this list with the objective to avoid any confusion and to be as informative as possible. The UNIT SIG keeps the same objectives for October 2017 till September 2018 as in the previous period.