First B. BARRETT gave the list of representatives from CO-LaN Members participating in the Methods & Tools SIG activities: Jasper van BATEN (AmsterCHEM), Tony GARRATT (ANSYS), Daniel WAGNER, Mark STIJNMAN (Shell Global Solutions), Michael HLAVINKA (Bryan Research & Engineering), Loïc d’ANTERROCHES (Céondo GmbH), David JEROME and Krishna Murthy PENUKONDA (Schneider Electric).
B. BARRETT explained how the work within the SIG is organized with four series of conference calls: one dedicated to the revision of common interfaces, one dedicated to the development of the Flowsheet Monitoring interface specification, one to the threading model and one dedicated to the CAPE-OPEN Object Model (COBIA). B. BARRETT appealed for more Members to join the Methods & Tools SIG activities.
Then B. BARRETT restated the Methods & Tools SIG Charter that underwent no change since the previous year. Next B. BARRETT moved onto what the SIG delivered during the period and what it is working upon.