After re-stating the Methods & Tools SIG charter and its membership, the presentation focuses, CAPE-OPEN common interface per CAPE-OPEN common interface, on the work done to list errata and clarifications for each, then the presentation moves to the CAPE-OPEN object model after mentioning some aspects of Flowsheet Monitoring and of the Methods & Tools Integrated Guidelines
The work on CAPE-OPEN Common interfaces is summarized as:.
- For the Parameter Common interface, points addressed include dimensionality, static part, array parameters.
- For the Collection Common interface, the errata & clarifications document is currently under review by the SIG members. It focuses on the naming of Collection items, on non-CAPE-OPEN mechanisms to access Collection items.
- For the Simulation Context interface specification, the errata & clarifications document is also out for Peer Review by SIG members.It especially clarifies how an empty NamedValue list should be returned.
- For the Identification Common interface specification, a number of clarifications have been prepared on the ComponentName. The errata & clarifications document is still under development.
- For the Error Handling Common interface specification, the major issue is its design complexity which leads often to an incomplete implementation. This issue is meant to be addressed within the CAPE-OPEN Object Model specification.
- There is no current issue with the Persistence Common interface specification.
- For the Utilities Common interface specification, a mechanism is needed to let know that no modification of the object occurred during Edit.
Regarding the Methods & Tools Integrated Guidelines document, there is an issue with the version of the .NET Framework used to build a PME or a PMC. So CO-LaN is developing a Primary Interop Assembly to provide a universal set of .NET based CAPE-OPEN interfaces.
Flowsheet Monitoring interface specification: some progress made in its review.
CAPE-OPEN Object Model: the intent is to provide cross-platform interoperability, designate responsibility for memory allocation and support marshaling between different programming platforms such as native C++, .Net and JAVA. The Methods & Tools Special Interest Group will develop the scope and the roadmap of the project for the development of a comprehensive CAPE-OPEN Object Model.