Within ESCAPE-17, Michel PONS made a presentation (PDF, 2092 Kbytes) on the CAPE-OPEN Logging and Testing Tool (COLTT) as described in the paper published in Computer Aided Chemical Engineering.
The presentation starts by explaining that CAPE-OPEN is basically handling the communication between a Process Modelling Environment (PME) and one or several Process Modelling Components (PMCs).
COLTT has been developed to fulfill needs of different stakeholders: end-users of process simulation software, developers of these pieces of software and CO-LaN. Through COLTT CO-LaN aims at simplifying the analysis process of the communication between a PME and PMCs.
Then an overview of the operation of COLTT is provided before showing the user interface through which COLTT is controlled. An example of a log file obtained is displayed with explanations of the errors mentioned.
The development history of COLTT is presented as well as the extent to which it has been tested before release. The basic workflow for using COLTT is then given before concluding remarks.