This presentation (access PDF here, 346 Kbytes) is co-authored with Mark STIJNMAN from Shell Global Solutions who takes an active part in the activities of both the Thermo SIG and the Methods & Tools SIG.
COBIA Phase I was a proof of concept, especially that COM-based CAPE-OPEN software was able to interoperate with COBIA-based CAPE-OPEN software. Phase II gathers all the CAPE-OPEN interfaces with a sufficient business value as of now. Still it is Windows specific and C++ native. Phase III will introduce platform independence, and implementations on different platforms talking to each other, via marshaling. The exact scoping of Phase III needs still to be developed by the Methods & Tools SIG and authorized by CO-LaN Management Board but anyway marshaling will be necessary.
Jasper begins with outlining what COBIA Phase III will be as defined by the Methods & Tools SIG when requesting funding of COBIA to the CO-LaN Management Board. Next Jasper explains what marshaling is and why it is required. Also Jasper explains what are the tasks covered by marshaling before proposing different alternatives on how marshaling can be conducted. Finally Jasper makes a proposal on how to deal with marshaling in the context of COBIA.