In 2005, the seven Full Members contributed a total of 70k€ which, together with the interest paid by the bank on CO-LaN’s savings account, gives an income of 72.2k€. As for expenses, they total 90.6k€. The consequence is a loss of 18.4k€.
The accumulated funds will be used to cover the loss in 2005, leaving the accumulated funds at 136k€ at the beginning of fiscal year 2006.
For 2006, expenses totalling 100k€ are proposed including a service contract with Michel Pons Technologie and the completion of consultancy services provided by Aspentech. These expenses also include software development work for 20k€ (for support tools such as COLTT), and a continued effort in dissemination and marketing for 15k€.
Regarding these, the AIChE 2006 Annual Meeting is an important event with a Topical Conference on CAPE-OPEN spread over four sessions.
The expected deficit in 2006 will still leave accumulated funds available at 76k€ at the end of 2006. So CO-LaN will be left with room to act further.