Steven holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering (2009) from Texas A&M University and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (2016) from the University of Texas at Austin. As an undergraduate, Steven conducted research in extractive distillation in the NSF REU program and developed chemical hazard assessments for the Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center and the Department of Homeland Security at Texas A&M University. His postgraduate research focused on measuring and modeling aerosols in CO2 capture by aqueous amines. Steven held the Thrust 2000 Fellowship from the Cockrell School of Engineering while at UT-Austin.
Optimized Gas Treating Inc’s core software suite (rate-based gas treating in ProTreat® and chemical reaction kinetics and heat-transfer driven sulfur recovery in SulphurPro®) can now be used as sub-flowsheets, made possible through a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation Plug. Simulator interoperability allows customers to leverage the expertise of OGT in powerful sub-flowsheets within other CAPE-OPEN compliant process modeling environments or perform large process-level optimizations using CAPE-OPEN compliant optimization packages. For example, a user could model a proprietary solvent absorption/regeneration loop using rigorous electrolyte thermodynamics and mass-transfer rate-based chemical absorption by ProTreat within a larger refinery simulation environment providing accurate, predictive results.
This presentation contains video demonstrations and screen captures of interoperability between process modeling environments and ProTreat®.