A live recording of the presentation is available from the CAPE-OPEN Channel on YouTube.
Malcolm reminded everyone of the charter defining the tasks and key responsabilities of the Interoperability SIG. Then he described the work process under which this SIG operates. Regarding the active members of the SIG, he thanked Michael HALLORAN, who recently stepped down from the SIG after retiring from AVEVA. Malcolm expressed his appreciation to Michael for his long-standing commitment and impressive input over so many years. Malcolm is looking for at least one additional member for the Interoperability SIG and defined the minimum requirements to be met by volunteers.
Supervision of the Software Development Resource put together by CO-LaN comes within the scope of the Interoperability SIG. Malcolm introduced the three contractors retained by CO-LaN and listed what projects they were put to work on, pointing out that the relationship between the contractors works well.
Next Malcolm explained the work done on the distribution of the CAPE-OPEN Type Libraries / Primary Interop Assemblies, and described how this was done in application of the versioning scheme presented last year at the CAPE-OPEN 2020 Annual Meeting.
Then Malcolm explained how the Interoperability SIG came in support of the Test Suite development, especially during the design stage.
Malcolm outlined the plans for the period ahead: it includes support of the Test Suite development, release of COLTT 2.5, maintenance of the CAPE-OPEN TLB/PIA distribution and of COLTT, as well as continuing regular meetings with the Methods & Tools SIG.
At the very end of his presentation Malcolm gave his personal insight on the need to formalize the testing of software developed and released by CO-LaN.