Over the past few months, CO-LaN Management Board defined the position (virtual office manager) to be filled, based on a careful analysis of how CO-LaN operates, and then posted an announcement for the position: more than 30 applications were received and thoroughly reviewed.
After an interview with the applicants most fulfilling CO-LaN requirements, CO-LaN Management Board decided to contract Mrs Florence KUIJL as of April 1, 2022.
Florence comes to CO-LaN with an experience as project manager and coordinator within international, multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environments. Florence graduated in 2012 with a Master in Communication and International Trade from IFCIM (Institut de Formation au Commerce International de Mazamet, France).
At CO-LaN she is tasked with:
- preparing the agenda for the monthly Management Board conference calls and biannual face-to-face meetings, drafting the minutes and managing each meeting against the agenda,
- keeping track of the tasks associated with the Management Board meetings and their progress,
- supporting the Management Board and the CTO with preparations for the CAPE-OPEN Annual Meetings,
- overseeing the CO-LaN membership, exchanging with members, keeping track of the membership list and changes of representative, seeking approval from the Management Board for new members,
- using input provided by the CTO and the Management Board, creating news and information posts and publishing these to the CO-LaN website and social media feeds
- working with the CO-LaN Treasurer, preparing and issuing membership invoices, keeping track of membership payments, and preparing the annual financial report,
- as defined by the Management Board, drafting and updating contracts, between CO-LaN and its suppliers, obtaining contracted party signatures,
- maintaining the Management Board area of the CO-LaN document repository.
Please welcome Florence which will be using florence.kuijl at colan.org as her email address.