CO-LaN was organizing a training course on CAPE-OPEN on March 24, 2010 at Selwyn College, Cambridge, UK. The course was to take place the day before the 7th CAPE-OPEN European Conference to be held at the same location.
Message from the CO-LaN Management Board: CO-LaN regrets but is obliged to cancel the 7th CAPE-OPEN European Conference (March 25-26, 2010 at Selwyn College, Cambridge, UK) as well as the accompanying tutorial.
Due to the current economic climate many staff are finding it difficult to arrange travel, which would result in low attendance to the tutorial. With the wide geographical spread of the CAPE OPEN community, there is no physical venue which would resolve the current concerns. Further the economic climate is forcing consolidation of activities and cost cutting on most companies. CAPE OPEN is a positive contributor to this by helping companies to reduce the cost and threshold of integrating software and continues to be applied in established areas such as thermodynamics and unit operations. Meanwhile new developments such as implementation of petroleum properties have slowed in line with current budget and resource availability. So while we see more successful applications than ever before, the amount of new challenges and developments has slowed. CO-LaN wishes to target the available resources and energy in the community in progressing interoperability and stability primarily, but not exclusively, in established areas during the current economic climate.