Ronald has been the BASF representative within CO-LaN since the creation of CO-LaN back in 2001.
At the Annual General Meeting held on February 13, 2004, in Schkopau, BASF was elected as member of the CO-LaN Management Board with Ronald as their representative. This marked the start of Ronald’s very active involvement in the inner workings of CO-LaN.
Ronald has been key in organizing the European CAPE-OPEN Conferences held successively in Como (2005), in Heidelberg (2007) and in Munich (2009). As well as attending the CO-LaN Annual General Meetings, he has been an active member of the CO-LaN Management Board. Within BASF Ronald has also been a long-time supporter of CAPE-OPEN, being instrumental in bringing in-house tools to CAPE-OPEN compliance, enabling the use of CAPE-OPEN thermodynamic components in the BASF in-house simulator.
That demonstrates Ronald’s continuous interest in CO-LaN matters, constructively participating in most decision processes. It says also a lot about the way Ronald likes to mix with people. So CO-LaN will miss a dedicated friend, especially his ability to make everybody at ease.
The Management Board wishes Ronald the best success in his new position and thanks him for his numerous contributions to CAPE-OPEN.
Heinz Mannsperger will be the successor to Ronald as BASF representative beginning September 1st, 2010. In the meantime Peter Mauer will act as BASF representative. CO-LaN thanks BASF for organizing this continuity and welcomes both Heinz and Peter.