Bill BARRETT (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) and Jasper van BATEN (AmsterCHEM) have a paper published today in Chemical Engineering & Technology where they demonstrate that a Flowsheet Monitoring interface specification adds value within the set of CAPE-OPEN interfaces. They proposed an initial version of that interface specification and they implemented it in COFE and on a Process Modelling Component enabling the WAste Reduction (WAR) algorithm.
In their conclusions, they state: “Use of the flowsheet monitoring interface implemented in the COFE process simulation environment allows for easy access to the unit operations and to the material flows through CAPE-OPEN interfaces. The WAR add-in demonstrated in this paper uses the flowsheet monitoring interfaces to perform an environmental analysis of the process being modeled. It provides the flexibility of being able not only to consider the flowsheet as a whole, but to conduct the evaluation on a sub-set of the flowsheet. One of the difficulties of making use of process simulation tools for conducting global process evaluations such as WAR has been the difficulty of directly accessing the process information. The flowsheet monitoring interface provides direct access to process information using widely demonstrated and deployed CAPE-OPEN interface technology.”