V. RAMAN, CEO of ProtechSoft Systems explains their wish to join CO-LaN through the following statement:
“Our engineering department develops software related to Process engineering applications. Specifically, we develop Dynamic Simulation models for process plants (refinery, fertilizers, Gas plants and Power plants). These simulator models are provided with emulation of control systems (DCS of Honeywell or Yokogawa or Foxboro) sothat the Operator or engineer can operate the model virtually like real plant. He can do start-up, shutdown and all other normal operations on the simulator.All equipments, pipelines, instruments and interlocks/logics are incorporated in the model. The simulator is also provided with an Instructor interface sothat external disturbances and malfunctions can be injected on the model and performance of the engineer can be monitored. The main objective of this simulator is training persons on Process plant operations, verification of control systems, verification of design/operating procedures and carry out de-bottleneck studies.The models are built based on fundamental laws of physics, design data of equipments and experimental data. We use steady state simulation package results to input the initial values of the model. Currently our model building tool does not have Graphic interface and Themo has to be improved. We are very keen to develop and improve our modeling engine. We think that our association with CO-LAN will be great use and we will also be able to contribute to the association.”
On October 2, 2004, CO-LaN Management Board formally approved ProtechSoft Systems as Associate Member in CO-LaN.