The company has developed a suite of software called PASS (Plant Analysis Software Suite) which includes HYDROSYSTEM that performs heat losses & pressure drop calculations as well as nominal size selection for pipeline networks, transporting compressible or incompressible one phase fluids. The two-phase flow analysis now developed in Hydrosystem for simple (non-ramified) pipelines has an option to use Simulis Thermodynamics to calculate fluid properties.
The company has begun developing CAPE-OPEN compliancy in its software through the integration of Simulis Thermodynamics of ProSim SA. On April 14, 2011 CO-LaN Management Board has accepted the application for Associate Membership presented by NTP Truboprovod: CO-LaN Management Board welcomes NTP Truboprovod as a new Member within CO-LaN.
Mrs Elena YUDOVINA , Ph.D., Program Manager at PSRE, will serve as its representative in CO-LaN.