Professor Xavier JOULIA, now an Emeritus Professor, was the previous representative, having held this role since CO-LaN was created. Xavier was also the representative of Toulouse INP-ENSIACET in the European-funded projects that developed CAPE-OPEN.
Jean-Pierre BELAUD is also well known in the CAPE-OPEN community. Within the CAPE-OPEN project he developed the CAPE-OPEN interface specification for Sequential Modular Specific Tools, and participated to the Methods & Tools group in Global CAPE-OPEN. He may be holding the only PhD entirely dedicated to CAPE-OPEN. He has authored and co-authored several papers (2001, 2002, 2003) on CAPE-OPEN during the European-funded projects.
CO-Lan welcomes Jean-Pierre and thanks Xavier for his contributions to CAPE-OPEN over all the years he has been involved in CO-LaN.