Reaction Design’s involvement with CAPE-OPEN includes the development of a Unit Operation for Chemkin to enable Equivalent Reactor Networks to be used within Aspen Plus for simulation of coal gasification processes. This work was in collaboration with NETL and was presented at the AIChE 2012 Annual Meeting.
The involvement of ANSYS with CAPE-OPEN goes as far back as 2002 when Fluent Inc. (now part of ANSYS) joined CO-LaN. This was initiated by Dr Steve Zitney at Fluent Inc. after he worked for AspenTech where he developed a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation linked to the CFD simulator Fluent. Subsequently Fluent Inc. developed a CAPE-OPEN COM-CORBA bridge enabling Fluent models to be used as CAPE-OPEN Unit Operations coupled with CAPE-OPEN thermodynamics. This development was within the Advanced Process Engineering Co-Simulator (APECS) project driven by NETL.
Currently ANSYS is not supporting APECS and is not involved in any CAPE-OPEN activities but welcomes any parties interested in using CAPE-OPEN within ANSYS products to get in touch.