CO-LaN proposed two papers to that conference, one on .NET and one on COLTT. Both were accepted as oral presentations.
The paper on .NET was written by Bill Barrett (US EPA), Lars von Wedel (AixCAPE e.V.), Michel Pons (contractor for CO-LaN as Chief Technology Officer) and Bertrand Braunschweig (IFP). It summarizes the document on .NET based interoperability that the CO-LaN Methods & Tools Special Interest Group developed at the end of 2006. Bertrand Braunschweig gave the presentation.
The paper on COLTT was written by Peter Banks (BP), Michel Pons (contractor for CO-LaN as Chief Technology Officer) and Bertrand Braunschweig (IFP). It explains the purpose of COLTT and presents COLTT in its current state of development. Michel Pons gave the presentation.
A paper by ProSim SA, ENSIACET and IFP presented work on a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation capable of solving design specifications as well as tear streams.
Another paper, presented as a poster, came from University of Trieste and described an implementation of the WAR algorithm as a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation.