The ESCAPE (European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering) series brings the latest innovations and achievements by leading professionals from the industrial and academic communities. The series serves as a forum for engineers, scientists/ researchers, managers, and students from academia and industry to present and discuss progress being made in the area of CAPE. The two latest ESCAPE symposia were organised in Finland (2003) and Portugal (2004).
The main theme for ESCAPE-15 is Integrated approaches in CAPE for sustainable development.
Apart from presenting a paper on the CAPE-OPEN Consultancy Scheme, Michel Pons discussed with attendees their possible use of CAPE-OPEN technology. He met also a number of Associate Members (RWTH-Aachen, University of Valladolid, University of Catalunya, INPT-ENSIACET, University Politehnica of Bucharest, ProSim SA, …).
To be mentioned, RWTH-Aachen and AixCAPE e.V. co-authored a paper on the LptNumerics library which implements the CAPE-OPEN Equation Set Object out of the CAPE-OPEN Numerical Solvers interface specification.