The distribution is made of two elements: a zipped file that contains merge modules that are used in 3rd-party installation packages to install COBIA Runtime (also known as COBIA Core), and an installation package of COBIA Software Development Kit (SDK).
COBIA Runtime can be freely used and redistributed. It consists of middleware components that will be installed on the end-user’s computer during installation of COBIA-based Process Modelling Environments (PMEs) and Process Modelling Components (PMCs) developed by a software provider. The COBIA Runtime is intended to be distributed with and utilized by third-party software. The archive also contains a stand-alone installation package that deploys the contents of the above mentioned merge modules.
The COBIA Software Development Kit (SDK) is provided as a stand-alone installation package which distributes a set of components and tools that are used by a software developer to create software that utilizes COBIA as the middleware for CAPE-OPEN interoperability. The SDK includes tools to compile the source code of interfaces developed using the CAPE-OPEN Interface Definition Language (IDL) specifically adapted to COBIA.
Development and maintenance of COBIA is conducted by AmsterCHEM for CO-LaN.
Version resolves the following tickets:
- Ticket 53: Incorrect SDK registration entry in VBS script
- Ticket 55: Error in constructor of CapeStringAdapter
- Ticket 56: Broken get_reports in COMBIA’s unit operation wrapper
- Ticket 57: Failure to register x64 COBIA PMC as COM component for all users
- Ticket 58: Uninitialized BSTR in COMBIA string parameter
- Ticket 59: Crash in COMBIA for empty arrays in VARIANT data wrappers
- Ticket 60: COMBIA incorrectly stores boolean as integer
CO-LaN encourages software developers to use version