Michel Pons (CO-LaN Chief Technology Officer) visited IFP in Solaize nearby Lyon (France) today and presented CAPE-OPEN to a group of 10 engineers and researchers involved with process simulation. The presentation focused primarily on the integration of advanced unit operation models in process simulators: gPROMS models embedded in PRO/II and Aspen Hysys were discussed, as well as ChemSep unit operation made CAPE-OPEN compliant together with the link between Fluent and Aspen Plus to use CFD models in process simulators. Part of the discussion / presentation also dealt with thermodynamic and physical properties.
IFP is a scientific research and industrial development, training, and information services center active in the fields of oil & natural gas, their use, in particular by vehicles, and new energy and environmental technologies (production of fuels from biomass, biofuels, hydrogen, the capture and storage of CO2, etc.). IFP was then a Full Member of the CO-LaN organization and, due to a change of statute, is now an Associate Member of CO-LaN.
Cape-Open Forum Restored
We are pleased to inform the Cape-Open community that the official forum is once again operational following…