Optimized Gas Treating, Inc. chose the CAPE-OPEN 2022 Annual Meeting to announce the release of ProTreat CAPE-OPEN Property Package. Use of CAPE-OPEN technology, relying here on the CAPE-OPEN middleware, COBIA, obviously expands for the benefit of end-users.
Last year, it was another new release, the release of AmsterCHEM CAPE-OPEN Python Unit Operation that was highlighted through a presentation by IFPEN. Martin GAINVILLE (IFPEN) came back at the CAPE-OPEN 2022 Annual Meeting with a full scale use of the Python UO and other CAPE-OPEN applications. Use is building up at IFPEN and the experience gained and reported by Linde may lead there as well to an expanded use of CAPE-OPEN technology.
CAPE-OPEN 2022 Annual Meeting brought also reports on the activities of Special Interest Groups (SIG) and you may want to look into these reports (Interoperability, Thermo, Methods & Tools) with the hope that it may trigger your decision to be active in a SIG. Progress in COBIA, progress in the CO-LaN Test Suite development were explained and demonstrated.
The meeting was also the occasion to look forward, on future use of CAPE-OPEN at Molecular Quantum Solutions, at TU Delft, at Hafnium Labs or for CAPE-OPEN 2.0.
Additionnally you may want to browse through the presentations made at the Annual General Meeting of CO-LaN Members, held within the CAPE-OPEN 2022 Annual Meeting. They give insight on what CO-LaN has been doing, is doing and plans to do.
We hope to have all presentations up soon on CO-LaN website, pending the necessary authorizations, as well as video recordings of the meeting, so that, even if you were unable to participate, you will get most of the information obtained by the participants.
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