CO-LaN is pleased to announce that the CAPE-OPEN 2018 Annual Meeting is looking good thanks to the many participants registered and presenting.
Do not hesitate to come: it is still possible to register for this event hosted by BASF in Ludwigshafen, Germany on October 9-10, 2018 after being hosted by BP in 2017 and Linde Engineering in 2016. Everyone is welcome to attend the conference. Details are available on the CO-LaN website, including the agenda of the meeting. We will hear of the activities of the various Special Interest Groups of CO-LaN and also about the use and expectations regarding CAPE-OPEN by organizations such as EQUINOR, LONZA AG and TU-Dortmund.
On October 8, 2018 a training course on COBIA (CAPE-OPEN Binary Interop Architecture) is organized at the same location as the CAPE-OPEN 2018 Annual Meeting. It is still possible to attend the course by contacting us.
At the CAPE-OPEN 2018 Annual Meeting, CO-LaN will report on the findings of the CAPE-OPEN survey quite a few of you took during the summer. Don’t hesitate to take the survey if you have not filled it yet. You may distribute the link to anybody you feel could contribute.The survey is the first step in a process to enable CO-LaN to ensure a sustainable future for the CO-LaN organization. CO-LaN wishes for the survey to be completed by as many end-users of process simulation as possible, irrespective of their current use or knowledge of CAPE-OPEN.
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