The presentations made at the CAPE-OPEN 2022 Annual Meeting are now all available on the CO-LaN website as PDF files: you can display or download them. All the recordings of the presentations are not yet available on the CAPE-OPEN YouTube channel but 14 videos are already present in the playlist dedicated to the CAPE-OPEN 2022 Annual Meeting. Sorry for the slow progress there but we encountered some technical difficulties with the recordings. While mostly behind us, these issues delayed things quite a bit.
CO-LaN has been informed of two changes of representatives: at Optimized Gas Treating (OGT) and at Fives Cryo. Please welcome them within the CO-LaN community.
CAPE-OPEN based commercial applications
Following the announcement made at the CAPE-OPEN 2022 Annual Meeting, OGT has released OGT Suite version 8.0 that incorporates the new ProTreat CAPE-OPEN Property Package demonstrated at the meeting. It is a new addition to the list of CAPE-OPEN Process Modelling Components made available by the market to end-users.
Activities of Special Interest Groups
Thermo Special Interest Group has progressed further more the draft of the Manager Common interface specification. Please note that a significant change of design was approved on October 18, 2022. Work on specifying tests performed on CAPE-OPEN Property Packages has been initiated (with KBC joining on September 27 and October 4) and will be continued since the draft of the Manager Common interface specification can now be handed over to the Methods & Tools Special Interest Group.
Methods & Tools Special Interest Group has progressed the document on COBIA Threading Models on October 4, and has decided on the release of COBIA Under the provision of the success of further tests to be conducted at SINTEF (many thanks to SINTEF for their help), this maintenance release of COBIA 1.2 will been made public early November. Look for it.
CO-LaN Test Suite
Work on the Test Suite has also significantly progressed within the current work package that was launched on October 5. A first progress report held on October 19 showed that more than 30 support tickets have already been addressed by Céondo GmbH. Version 0.2.1 is so far looking good in terms of content and time line.
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