The CAPE-OPEN 2018 Annual Meeting was described as a great meeting by many of its participants. BASF was a very nice host, the presentations were lively and much discussed, new faces, new organizations showed up. The presentations are now on line on the CO-LaN website. The preliminary findings of the CAPE-OPEN survey (please make it known and take the survey), the reports by Special Interest Groups, the enlightening description on how CAPE-OPEN helps education in Africa, the expectations from EQUINOR and LONZA were all part of a well-packed agenda.
On October 8, 2018, the training course on COBIA was well attended too. Pending detailed feedback from all the participants, the training was a success.
At the Annual General Meeting held on October 10, 2018, CO-LaN Board of Directors set milestones for 2019 with respect to the Certification Special Interest Group, COBIA Phase III and the Consultancy Service Scheme.
Once more don’t hesitate to take the survey if you have not yet. You may distribute the link (see within the Post on the website) to anybody you feel could contribute.The survey is the first step in a process to enable CO-LaN to ensure a sustainable future for the CO-LaN organization. CO-LaN wishes for the survey to be completed by as many end-users of process simulation as possible, irrespective of their current use or knowledge of CAPE-OPEN. The survey is targeted at end-users of CAPE tools, not at end-users familiar with CAPE-OPEN.
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