The CAPE-OPEN 2021 Annual Meeting took place on October 27-28 as a virtual conference with an average of 40-50 participants on line. All presentations and their recordings are now available on our communication channels.
Twenty or so registered participants sent back their evaluation of the meeting. Many thanks to them. Most participants attended to assess what other developers are doing with CAPE-OPEN and the meeting met their expectations.
While the format given to the meeting was well perceived (as usual), there is a strong demand for a mixed live/remote event which could be a real challenge to organize for CO-LaN. The remote access let many participants choose which presentations to attend, while a core of participants attending most, if not all, presentations.
It was with great pleasure that CO-LaN received the request of three participants to join in the activities of Special Interest Groups (SIGs). There was a call for new SIG members made during the conference and it was heard. That is good news.
CO-LaN welcomes Martin GAINVILLE as the new representative of IFP Energies Nouvelles. It is more a welcome back since Martin has been very active with CAPE-OPEN in the past. Worth noting also that CiT GmbH has decided to be a Group B Associate Member of CO-LaN. CiT GmbH has been an Associate Member for the last 10 years or so, experimenting with CAPE-OPEN as reported at the 5th CAPE-OPEN US Conference and with plans for using COBIA in the future.
CO-LaN is organizing itself to reach the objectives set for 2022 with for example the Thermo SIG ready to resume its weekly meetings, with a work order for finalizing the Test Suite prototype approved by CO-LaN Management Board and contractual arrangements being worked out to secure the resources needed to achieve the goals set for 2022. The Methods & Tools SIG is actively (see meetings on November 2 and November 10) tackling how COBIA should deal with COM Threading models and is preparing a new phase for work package 1 of COBIA Phase III.
Behind the scene, the CO-LaN website has moved to a new hosting service and hopefully this went smoothly for all our visitors.
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