The CAPE-OPEN 2018 Annual Meeting is now well behind us and CO-LaN is already looking forward to the 2019 edition, using the feedback received from many of the participants to this year edition. Many thanks to all who took part in the assessment.
An immediate outcome of the CAPE-OPEN 2018 Annual Meeting has been the release for review to CO-LaN Members of a document listing errata and clarifications to the Thermodynamic and Physical Properties interface specification in version 1.1. The discussion organized in Ludwigshafen on diffusion coefficients was really fruitful and, shortly after the meeting, it led to a proposal by the Thermo Special Interest Group. The proposal is part of the above mentioned errata and clarifications document.
Also, as announced in Ludwigshafen by the Methods & Tools Special Interest Group, a request for review has been sent to CO-LaN Members on the Flowsheet Monitoring interface specification. Another outcome has been the release by AmsterCHEM of a new version of the MATLAB Unit Operation in order to provide enhancements requested by Technische Universität Dortmund in their presentation.
The training course on COBIA organized on October 8 has now been debriefed and it is confirmed as a success. Please tell us if you would be interested in taking such a course. It may be run again.
Once more don’t hesitate to take the survey if you have not yet. You may distribute the link (see within the Post on the website) to anybody you feel could take it. CO-LaN is grateful for the help recently provided by ProSim for advertising the survey. For more visibility, we have also moved the access to the survey to CO-LaN website homepage. Do remember that the survey is primarily targeted at end-users of CAPE tools, not at end-users familiar with CAPE-OPEN.
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