Preparations for CAPE-OPEN 2022 Annual Meeting are beginning. Please consider attending and presenting there. For all of you who experienced one or more CAPE-OPEN Annual Meetings, you know what to expect: great interactions, presentations and plenty of new information.
Development of CAPE-OPEN Tester Suite is on-going. The review initiated back in February brought its fruits and authorizes new steps towards the release of the first official version.
Over the last few weeks, Methods & Tools Special Interest Group (SIG) has templated the documentation of tests and this template will be put to use from now on. Methods & Tools SIG has progressed the design of COBIA Threading models and has defined the next development step for COBIA within its Phase III. This next step needs yet to be approved by CO-LaN Management Board.
A new charter for the Thermo Special Interest Group (SIG) has been approved by CO-LaN Management Board. Over the past few weeks, Thermo SIG has completed its analysis of the comments received till early 2022 on the Chemical Reactions interface specification and is now focused on drafting the Manager Common interface specification.
CO-LaN welcomes Upstream Development and Engineering Inc. as a new Corporate Associate Member. Its application was approved on May 17, 2022.
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