The CAPE-OPEN 2015 Annual Meeting is intended for developers and end-users of process simulation software. Participants will learn about the most recent implementations of CAPE-OPEN, about what benefits CAPE-OPEN may bring and what technical progress CO-LaN has achieved over the past year. The Annual General Meeting of CO-LaN members is also a part of the event.
The CAPE-OPEN 2015 Annual Meeting will start on October 13 morning and will end after lunch on October 14. Additional meetings, out of the main event, like CO-LaN Special Interest Group meetings, may be organized on October 14 afternoon. To be confirmed later.
A working lunch with sandwiches and drinks will be served on Tuesday October 13 and Wednesday October 14. CO-LaN will invite the participants for a reception followed by dinner directly after the meeting on Tuesday. The restaurant chosen for the conference dinner will be within walking distance of STCA.
Participation to the CAPE-OPEN 2015 Annual Meeting is free of charge. As the number of places is limited, registration is required for organizational reasons. Each participant will have to organize his/her own accommodation.
At this early stage, CO-LaN would like to know if you intend to participate to the CAPE-OPEN 2015 Annual Meeting. You may indicate your intent to participate preferably by email before June 15, 2015. Confirmation of registration is expected by August 31, 2015 (a registration form will be sent to you).
CO-LaN seeks papers describing significant contributions to the implementation or use of CAPE-OPEN interfaces. We invite submissions that show what problems were solved through CAPE-OPEN, what advantages did CAPE-OPEN provided or what modifications should be made to CAPE-OPEN. These are just a few examples of relevant topics. A presentation title of 70 characters or less, together with author(s)/presenter names and affiliations is sufficient for now and is expected by June 15, 2015.
Feel free to circulate this issue of CAPE-OPEN Update within your organization.