On June 11, CO-LaN has released a new maintenance version of COBIA 1.2. This 6th maintenance release resolves two issues pointed out by developers and end-users of COBIA-based Process Modeling Components. It shows the commitment of CO-LaN to maintain COBIA 1.2 at a steady pace. You may expect a 7th maintenance release in July. You are all welcome to download the COBIA Software Development Kit and to make use of it for the development of your COBIA-based applications.
The design of the interfaces to be implemented by marshalers has been drafted by AmsterCHEM as part of COBIA Phase III and is currently under review by the Methods & Tools Special Interest Group. It represents the second step, and a crucial one, in work package 1 of COBIA Phase III.
On June 15, the development of the first prototype of the Testing Suite has been authorized by CO-LaN Management Board. It represents a major commitment for CO-LaN. This development is expected to be finished by end of August.
The CAPE-OPEN 2021 Annual Meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 27-28. It is still unknown how it will be organized, as a physical meeting or like in 2020 as a virtual conference. A mix of the two formats may well be the ultimate decision. More to come on that in July. You are already welcome to reserve these two days in your agenda and to propose presentations on topics related to CAPE-OPEN. The sooner, the better.
CO-LaN thanks all the Associate Members in groups A and B that have committed resources to CO-LaN’s operations. These additional resources largely support the technical activities mentioned above that include additional work on the new version of the CAPE-OPEN Type Libraries and Primary Interop Assemblies.
CO-LaN welcomes a new representative for the Process and Systems Engineering Centre (PROSYS) at Technical University of Denmark. Also CO-LaN is proud to count now Politecnico di Milano as a new Associate Member, especially since they start using COBIA.
June sees Michael HALLORAN taking a step back from his CAPE-OPEN related activities. Michael has been involved in CAPE-OPEN for, at least, the last 20 years and is now retired from AVEVA. He remains an Associate Member of CO-LaN and is still contributing to CO-LaN now and then since his experience and expertise are too valuable to be left unused. Join us in thanking Michael for his many contributions.
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