CO-LaN is launching a survey about CAPE-OPEN. The survey is the first step in a process to enable CO-LaN to ensure a sustainable future for the CO-LaN organization. CO-LaN wishes for the survey to be completed by as many end-users of process simulation as possible, irrespective of their current use or knowledge of CAPE-OPEN. CO-LaN’s goal is to grow the membership, prioritize its resources, and align the long-term development of the CAPE-OPEN standard with the end-user requirements. CO-LaN intends to present and discuss the survey results during the next CAPE-OPEN Annual Meeting.
Please take the CAPE-OPEN survey before July 6, 2018 midnight Central European Time! You may distribute the link to anybody you feel could contribute.
On the technical side, Phase II of the COBIA development process is nearing its end with the Methods&Tools Special Interest Group having made its review of the deliverables. The Consultancy action awarded to Intelligen Inc. has been completed: a generic CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation socket has been delivered for integration in SuperPro Designer. The Thermo Special Interest Group is continuing on Chemical Reactions and Custom Data interface specifications while the Methods & Tools Special Interest Group is working on common interfaces (Parameters, Persistence) mostly in the context of COBIA.