Chief Technology Officer
Michel Pons, the CO-LaN Chief Technology Officer since 2005, is progressively stepping down. CO-LaN has now launched the process of selecting its new Chief Technology Officer. Please consider the position and feel free to advertise it.
Communication strategy
CO-LaN Management Board dedicated its monthly meeting to the revision of CO-LaN communication strategy: inventory of the current visual identity and of the communication platforms currently used, followed by definition of where CO-LaN needs and wants to go.
Activities of Special Interest Groups
Unit Special Interest Group (SIG) met on February 9 and developed the part of the CAPE-OPEN IDL that corresponds to the revised Petroleum Fractions interface specification.
Thermo SIG met fives times in February and focused especially on writing the errata and clarifications for the ICapeThermoPropertyRoutine interface of the Thermodynamic and Physical Properties interface specification, an on defining the list of compliance and best practice tests to be executed on implementations of this interface.
Methods & Tools SIG met three times this month and worked on CAPE-OPEN versioning, as well as on the distribution of the CAPE-OPEN Types, this last topic addressed in collaboration with the Interoperability Special Interest Group.
COBIA middleware
No maintenance version of COBIA 1.2 was released in February.
CAPE-OPEN Test Suite
All the support tickets remaining in an open state have been assigned to upcoming milestones with the next milestone being the release of the CAPE-OPEN Test Suite applied to Property Packages. Also, a first exchange took place between contractors on how the CAPE-OPEN Test Suite may be adapted to test Process Modelling Environments.
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