The CAPE-OPEN 2016 Annual Meeting is intended for developers and end-users of process simulation software. Non-members of CO-LaN are welcome. Participants will learn about the most recent implementations of CAPE-OPEN, about what benefits CAPE-OPEN may bring and what technical progress CO-LaN has achieved over the past year.
A key objective of CO-LaN is to support and maintain the CAPE-OPEN standard for interoperability between process modelling software tools. The seamless integration of CAPE-OPEN software is important for both sides: for the operating companies to ensure the profitability of engineering projects and for the software vendors to deliver competitive products that satisfy their customers’ needs. To improve the quality of CAPE-OPEN implementations it is proposed to introduce the concept of a CAPE-OPEN certificate for software components and environments. A workshop will introduce a proposal of how a self-certification process could work and open the floor for a discussion of this topic between all involved parties to find a balanced approach.
Participation to the CAPE-OPEN 2016 Annual Meeting is free of charge.
The 2016 Annual General Meeting of CO-LaN membership is also part of the CAPE-OPEN 2016 Annual Meeting. It is tentatively scheduled on October 6 morning.
A training course is also offered free of charge at the same location on October 7, 2016. The course will cover the basic concepts of CAPE-OPEN and will be given by Dr William BARRETT, the leader of the Methods & Tools Special Interest Group.
Important: CO-LaN has opened the call for requests of support through the Consultancy Scheme. You have till August 31, 2016 to submit your request. Be among the ones receiving the help you need to implement CAPE-OPEN interfaces.
Technical aspects
Please take note of the release by CO-LaN of a new set (version 2.0) of Type Libraries/Primary Interop Assemblies installers. Software developers are encouraged to make use of these installers within their development and the installation packaging of their software.
A maintenance release of the CAPE-OPEN Logging and Testing Tool (COLTT) has just been made. You are encouraged to make use of it.
CO-LaN Management Board has recently authorized the public release of Errata and Clarifications on the Persistence Common Interface specification. A necessary reading for all CAPE-OPEN software developers.
Feel free to circulate this issue of CAPE-OPEN Update within your organization.