CO-LaN Management Board held its monthly meetings on April 7 and April 8. These meetings by video conference replaced the physical meeting usually held in Spring to review in depth CO-LaN activities and projects. The contractual arrangements necessary for COBIA Phase III were approved, leading the way to an actual start of work by AmsterCHEM. Preliminary arrangements towards the future (end of 2023 is the target) replacement of current Chief Technology Officer were initiated through the listing of tasks conducted by this role within CO-LaN organization. A first draft of the charter for the Certification Special Interest Group has been reviewed.
This month has seen two maintenance releases for COBIA ( and fixing several issues in order to provide an improved experience to end-users and developers of COBIA-based applications relying on CAPE-OPEN for interoperability. You can all make use of COBIA for your software developments. Do not forget to tell us about your experience with COBIA.
The contractors (AmsterCHEM, Céondo GmbH and Marcus Bruno Fernandes Silva) involved in the high-level design of the CAPE-OPEN Tester Suite have released a first version of the design document and had it submitted for internal review.
On April 7, the Methods & Tools Special Interest Group resolved issues raised within the development of a new version of the CAPE-OPEN Type Libraries and Primary Interop Assemblies. On April 14, AmsterCHEM demonstrated to M&T SIG a newly developed Unit Operation, developed using COBIA, where the calculation can be described using Python. Extended tests are being conducted at IFPEN and the public release should take place soon.
On April 9 and 12 the Interop Special Interest Group listed and allocated all the remaining actions towards a release of a new version of the CAPE-OPEN Type Libraries and Primary Interop Assemblies which is developed under the Interop SIG supervision.
CO-LaN thanks Associate Members in groups A and B that have committed resources to CO-LaN’s operations. These additional resources largely support the technical activities mentioned above. Extended discussions are taking place with several Associate Members on their increased involvement in CO-LaN.
You need to exchange on CAPE-OPEN? Don’t hesitate to request an account on the CAPE-OPEN forum: many developers and end-users of CAPE-OPEN are freely discussing on this dedicated forum and you can take full advantage of it. Just visiting the forum does not ask for an account to be activated.
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