CO-LaN Management Board held on April 2 one of its few yearly face-to-face meetings. It was hosted by Air Liquide at their facilities in Jouy-en-Josas. CO-LaN expenditures and revenues of 2018 were examined as well as strategic and technical points. During the meeting, CO-LaN Management Board reviewed the requests for Consultancy Services received till March 30, 2019 and decided, as a first commitment to this action, to approve two of these requests pertaining to the implementation of COBIA within either a thermodynamic server or a unit operation. The other requests received are still being reviewed.
Aspen Technologies Inc. has released version 11 of aspenONE: all CAPE-OPEN interfaces have been moved to a 64-bit architecture and we analyzed the consequences for the CAPE-OPEN community of developers, vendors and users. Also related to Aspen Technologies Inc. is the OPTIMIZE 2019 conference next month, that will feature at least one paper directly linked to CAPE-OPEN. Be sure to look for this communication by BASF, if attending OPTIMIZE 2019.
The various Special Interest Groups (SIGs) of CO-LaN have progressed their work over this past month: the Petroleum Fractions interface specification for the UNIT SIG, the Chemical Reaction Package interface specification for the Thermo SIG, the specification of COBIA distribution for the Methods & Tools SIG.
As always CO-LaN encourages you to publish on your experience with CAPE-OPEN as many have done so far. Recently papers about advances in CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation ChemSep have been published in Computers & Chemical Engineering and in the Journal of Chemical Engineering Research and Design.
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