Logo of the US Environmental Protection AgencyThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has hosted the 1st US CAPE-OPEN meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio on Tuesday, August 24 and Wednesday, August 25, 2004.

Twenty-one participants registered for the event from the following organizations: University of Maryland, UOP LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, U.S. E.P.A., BP plc, Purdue University, Invensys Simsci-Esscor, HTRI, Aspen Technology Inc., Chemstations Inc., IBM, University of Pittsburgh, Clarkson University, Praxair Inc., Technical University of Denmark (CERE), National Energy Technology Laboratory.


Session 1

Introduction to CAPE-OPEN” by Bertrand BRAUNSCHWEIG, IFP.

CAPE-OPEN End-Users’ perspective“, by Kerry IRONS (The Dow Chemical Company) and Michel PONS (TOTAL).

Session 2

CAPE-OPEN Concepts” by Bertrand BRAUNSCHWEIG, IFP.

ATOFINA example” by Michel PONS, TOTAL.

Current compliant components” by Michel PONS, TOTAL.