The first paper is “Interfacing IPOPT with Aspen Open Solvers and CAPE-OPEN” from Weifeng Chen, Zhigiang Shao and Jixin Qian (Institute of Industrial Control of Zhejiang University). Zhejiang University is a CO-LaN Associate Member. IPOPT has been made CAPE-OPEN compliant at Carnegie Mellon University (another CO-LaN Associate Member).
The second paper is “A software factory for the generation of CAPE-OPEN compliant Process Modelling Components” from Amine Lajmi (IFP), Sylvie Cauvin (IFP) and Mikal Ziane (Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6). IFP is a CO-LaN Associatel Member who has been very active in developing a number of CAPE-OPEN compliant Unit Operations and Property Packages.