The series of European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) has been an ideal vector of communication for CAPE-OPEN and has been indeed where CAPE-OPEN was first demonstrated within ESCAPE-9 held in Budapest, Hungary back in May 1999. ESCAPE 12 held in the Hague, the Netherlands in 2002, was also a conference where CAPE-OPEN was presented and debated.
So it is not surprising that CAPE-OPEN was mentioned at ESCAPE 27 in a paper by researchers from University of Surrey. The authors are proposing a model repository that is relying on the presence of CAPE-OPEN interfaces on the models represented by software components so that interoperability can be achieved.
A main contribution on CAPE-OPEN at ESCAPE 27 was a paper on MOSAICmodelling from Technische Universität Berlin. It gathered the results achieved by Gregor TOLKSDORF on the transformation of a model into a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation such as, for example, a Scilab Unit Operation or a MATLAB Unit Operation.
On MATLAB and CAPE-OPEN, it is worth also to mention a paper on population balance modelling by Prof. Dr. Ing. Menwer ATTARAKIH. It describes PPBLab, a MATLAB-based environment which takes advantage of the CAPE-OPEN thermodynamic socket provided by AmsterCHEM. Professor ATTARAKIH is from the Department of Chemical Engineering at University of Jordan.
Another joint contribution by researchers, from Brno University of Technology in Czech Republic and Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Hungary, on software applications for total site integration and utility systems optimisation concludes that CAPE-OPEN “would allow to reuse and customise tools and to build own in-house tools” in software applications for Total Site Integration.
And to add to this already long list, researchers at KU Leuven in Belgium have presented their work on an alternative approach to previous work that have exploited simulators with support for the Equation Set Object (ESO) CAPE-OPEN standard. While not making use of ESO itself, the authors recognize the potential of the ESO approach.