Six Full Members were present or represented:
- Air Liquide (represented by Shell Global Solutions),
- BP,
- BASF (represented by Shell),
- The Dow Chemical Company (represented by Linde Engineering),
- Linde Engineering,
- Shell.
Nine Corporate Associate Members were present (AmsterCHEM, AVEVA, Belsim Engineering, Bryan Research & Engineering LLC, Céondo GmbH, HTRI, KBC Advanced Technologies, OGT, Technische Universität Berlin) as well as two Individual Associate Members (Peter NELLEN and Malcolm WOODMAN).
Richard BAUR, representing Shell Global Solutions and acting President, presented the status report (PDF, 464 Kbytes) over the period from October 2018 till end of September 2019.
Richard stressed out that CO-LaN is facing a major challenge with respect to resources and revenues. Major expenses concern the development of COBIA and of the Certification Test software and supported scheme. CO-LaN Management Board is asking the CO-LaN membership to express their views regarding a new funding model where Associate Members would be asked to contribute to CO-LaN revenues. A decision needs to be taken by end of 2019 with application of the decision for the next lifetime period of CO-LaN: in 2020 CO-LaN Full Members will need to decide whether or not to renew CO-LaN for five years more.
Richard highlighted the results of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and the strategic activities of CO-LaN such as the CAPE-OPEN certification, the Consultancy Service Scheme and COBIA development. He also mentioned that scientific papers continue to be regularly published where CAPE-OPEN technology is used, that the CAPE-OPEN forum is an active communication media.
He finally detailed how CO-LaN members can help CO-LaN do better and expand CAPE-OPEN use.
The report was approved by the Full Members present or represented.
Then Richard BAUR gave, on behalf of Philippe ARPENTINIER, representative of Air Liquide and treasurer of CO-LaN, the financial report (PDF, 288 Kbytes) for the period January till December 2018.
The financial report was approved by the Full Members present or represented. The budget for 2020 was approved and the Full Member membership fee for 2020 was kept at the same amount as in previous years and set at 10,000 euros.
Next, within the Ordinary General Meeting, election of the new Management Board was conducted. Air Liquide, BASF, BP, Dow, Linde Engineering and Shell Global Solutions were (re)elected to the Management Board.