AkzoNobel joined CO-LaN in April 2008. Even before joining, AkzoNobel was in contact with CO-LaN on several occasions, including a visit to AkzoNobel in Arnhem by the CTO in November 2005 and the participation by AkzoNobel in the 2nd CAPE-OPEN US Conference held in Morgantown in May 2005.
A challenging economic environment has pushed AkzoNobel to further rationalization and cost savings. Involvement of AkzoNobel in consortia such as CO-LaN has been reviewed and AkzoNobel has decided to withdraw from CO-LaN effective December 31, 2012.
CO-LaN Management Board values the involvement of AkzoNobel over the last 5 years and in particular the participation in the CO-LaN Management Board. CO-LaN hopes that the investment made by AkzoNobel in CAPE-OPEN technology will prove valuable in the years to come.