address : Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo (UM FKKT)
Smetanova ulica 17
2000 Maribor
phone : +386 2 2294 400
Approval date : 30/1/2001
Research field of Laboratory for Process Systems Engineering and Sustainable Development is developing and using the advanced Process Systems Engineering methods for designing sustainable manufacturing technologies for chemicals and energy production, transition from fossil fuels and petroleum-based feedstocks to the renewable sources, closing the water and CO2 cycles, improving mass and energy efficiencies, developing new materials and products, reaction and bioreaction engineering, environmental protection and sustainable development. The Laboratory develops innovative approaches for simultaneous solving of multi-level structure of production systems, i.e. from the atoms and molecules over the individual processes up to the local and global supply chains for products and energy.